Opening Day

Opening Day

The first day here at Gardner-Webb was amazing! Upon arrival, everyone found their luxurious apartments, unpacked, and began to settle in for the week. Not too long after this however, it was time for the first rehearsal. The singers made themselves handy and set up the room in quick fashion - I think they were eager to sing! Our fearless leader, Phil Campbell, gave some traditional first day speeches that drew laughter from the All-Staters, especially from the veterans who had heard them many times before. Mommas and Poppas were introduced to chants, cheers, and ovations, and them rehearsal was on its way!

This year's conductor, Pepper Choplin, warmed up the choir by challenging them to focus on building the tone to sound like a college choir. At one point during the rehearsal, he asked the singers to repeat a phrase and mimic the voices of a preschool choir, children's choir, middle grade choir, and college choir. When he reached college choir, they all sat up straight and made quite an amazing sound! (Apparently you only sit up straight in choir when you reach college, who knew?!)

Another funny moment in rehearsal was when Pepper asked the All-Staters to close their notebooks and sing a song they were supposed to have from memory. The looks on faces in the room ranged from sheer terror to immense joy! (I think a few of them might have taken that song back to their room to look over tonight!)

After only a few short hours of rehearsal, I am happy to say that the choir is sounding great! You are definitely going to want to hear them at a concert (or three!) (The concert schedule is listed on the Home page.)

Pizza Party!! After singing their hearts out, the All-Staters had some fellowship time with one another. This time was not complete until a few experienced All-Staters took the reigns and led the choir in yet another All-State tradition - the singing of the Doxology in 94 part harmony before every meal. In my opinion, this moment is truly welcoming to first time All-Staters and symbolizes the passing of the torch to the rookies as they become one with the group. The sound level in the room following this could only be explained by best friends being reunited after a year of separation, new best friendships forming after just a few hours, and the overwhelming presence of Christ present within it all.

As a former 4-year All-Stater who has been away for 4 years, the hubbub was a welcome sound to my ears. I know from experience -

In the noise is laughter and in the laughter is love,
Which is God's perfect gift from up above.



Each day I will be asking the All-Staters a "Question of the Day" and today's question was, "What are you most looking forward to about this week?" The answers will typically range from serious and comtemplative to humorous and sarcastic, and today was no exception. This is a form of video-journaling for the All-Staters this week - take a watch!

NCBASYC 2015 Sunday Question of the Day from Carter Benge on Vimeo.