What a Wednesday!

What a Wednesday!

Today was our last day spending time on the campus of Gardner Webb, and we made the most of it! We started off the day with another inspirational devotion from Kheresa about reflecting God's light unto the world. She challenged us to be the reflection of God as we begin touring and giving concerts later today!

The rest of the morning was spent polishing up the music for our first concert later today. The altos pulled a little surprise in the rehearsal and started singing one of the slower songs at a much faster tempo and completely different rhythm. Such shenanigans! 

Pepper even decided to do a little vocal coaching during the rehearsal. The All-Staters were working on opening up their voice, singing tall vowels, and having more resonance. This is going to make the notes just pop!

Time for our first concert!! We sang at the Senior Center in Shelby, NC for a great crowd. It was a fun concert as the All-Staters began to share their hard work of their last few days for the first time! Their were smiles all around!

Pepper even had the senior adults waving their hands around and singing Siyahamba with the choir! Afterward we had a time to meet and get to know the senior adults. The All-Staters made friends and a great time was had by all!

Then we headed just down the road to FBC Shelby to rehearse for our concert later that evening. In classic All-State fashion, there were a few pew naps taken before rehearsal!

First Baptist Shelby provided an excellent dinner for us from Bridges Barbecue and had some awesome decorations!  

Following an excellent dinner, the All-Staters sang beautifully in their first full concert! There was a definite spirit of worship in the room and the atmosphere was incredible. Especially powerful tonight was "Prayer of the Children," which was particularly moving for many present. There was a great crowd of alumni that came forward to sing "Write Your Blessed Name!" I was particularly excited for my first time to go up and sing while on tour. As an alumni, it is impossible to put into words how much it means to get to rejoin the choir for this tradition!  

Wednesday brought our first concerts, first bus rides, and much more bonding time. The tour has arrived! If you are anywhere in Western North Carolina, we are probably coming to a place near you in the next few days, so be sure to check the schedule and come see us! Tomorrow will take us toward Boone! Keep the All-Staters, leaders, and people we are ministering to in your prayers!


Wednesday Question of the Day - "How can you be the light for the world?"

NCBASYC 2015 Wednesday Question of the Day from Carter Benge on Vimeo.